Expert Advisory Group

Ms Van Iat Kio, Florence
Professor Van is the current President of Kiang Wu Nursing College of Macau (formerly Kiang Wu Nursing and Midwifery School) and a Registered Nurse of the Macau Special Administrative Region....

Professor Tian Xiaolin
Professor Tian is a modern Chinese linguist. She graduated from Peking University (1958 - 1963) and Shandong University, Department of Chinese Ancient Chinese professional graduate school (1963 - 1966)....

Ms Katherine Tong
Katherine Tong has had years of senior management experience in the Information Technology industry....

Dr Lee Cheung Kei
Former Associate Consultant, Department of Medicine, Pamela Youde Nethersole Eastern Hospital...

Dr Susie Lum
Dr Susie Lum, Hong Kong Academy of Nursing, Founding and Immediate Past President, retired as the General Manager of Nursing Administration at the Hong Kong Hospital Authority....

Dr Hao Wen Ping
Dr. Ha is presently appointed as the hospital consultant, physician director and the professor of Gunagdong Province Holley Group Nanhi Shi Shn Hua Li Hospital. ...

Professor Henry S.R. Kao,
Ph.D. The University of Wisconsin-Madison, 1968 M.S. The West Virginia University, 1965 B.A. National Taiwan University, 1961...

Ms Samantha Yuen Chun CHONG
Associate Professor (Nursing Practice) & Director of Advanced Training in Clinical Nursing School of Nursing, Faculty of Medicine, the University of Hong Kong Nursing Director, HKU Health System

Mr Michael Chan, counselor
He was educated at The Chinese University of Hong Kong, Social Sciences and the University of South Australia, Master of Psychological Counselling....

Dr Chan Wai King
Dr. Chan Wai King is a registered Chinese medicine practitioner in Chinese Medicine Council of Hong Kong...

Ms Chen Weijiu, Director
Director Chen graduated from Jinan University in Nursing. After studying at Zhongshan Medical University, she began studying in a senior nursing programme....

Ms Sally Wai-Chi CHAN
Professor Chan is Faculty Head and Professor at the Alice Lee Centre for Nursing Studies, Yong Loo Lin School of Medicine, National University of Singapore in Singapore....

Mr Michael Mak Kwok-fung
Mr. Mak, Hong Kong College of Mental Health Nursing, Immediate Past President, is a Hong Kong politician. He is a Hong Kong pro-democratic political organization, and an elected member of Wan Chai District. ...

Ms Peng Gang Ai, Director
Peng Gang Ai, Director of the Guangdong Provincial Health Department of Pharmaceutical Affairs, responsible for Hospital Administration and Summary Drug Regulation....

Professor Martin C. S. Wong
Professor Martin Wong is Professor at The Chinese University of Hong Kong School of Public Health and Community and Family Medicine. He is engaged in teaching, consultation....

Dr. Yeung Kin Keung Frederick
Dr. Yeung serves as a nursing consultant for mental health at Hong Kong Polytechnic University’s School of Nursing...

Dr Cindy P. Y. Chiu
Dr. Chiu is a psychiatric specialist in the private practice and a former Clinical Assistant Professor at the University of Hong Kong Li Ka Shing Faculty of Medicine....

Dr Liu Kwong Sun
M.B.,Ch.B.(CUHK), MRCPsych(UK), FHKAM(Psychiatry), FHKCPsych Dr Liu is currently a specialist psychiatrist in private practice.

Ms Liu Xueqin, Director
Director Liu has held the positions of Director of the Nursing Education Centre, Guangdong Province, Doctoral Tutor at the Southern Medical University, Department of Nursing, and Zhujiang Hospital Director and Director of Nurses....

Dr Frances Hughes, RN, DNurs, ONZM, FANZCMHN, FNZCMHN
Frances has had 30 years of experience in the New Zealand health service working as a health clinician, manager and educator....

Ms Nancy Siew
Ms. Nancy Siew earned a Master’s Degree in Social Work (Gerontology) from McGill University in Canada and a Bachelor’s Degree in Social Work (Honours) at the University of Windsor, Ontario....

Dr. Tam Mo Shing
Dr. Tam Mo Shing was graduated from St. Paul's Co-educational College in early years. ...

Ms Shirley Loo, MH, JP.
Ms Shirley Loo is a well-known Family Development Foundation, general secretary. In 2005, she was awarded the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region Medal of Honour and in 2008 she was appointed Justice of the Peace, and the recognition as a senior parent-child and women educator....